Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reader Request #1: "Drive Thru" - Zach's Take

I don't really have much to say about this movie.

It's painfully dull. Horribly shot. There's absolutely no tension to be found in the kill scenes. Which, by the way, are the second worst aspect of the movie. For some reason, the directors thought that shaking the camera and speed-ramping the action, all the while blasting awful, bland industrial metal would somehow result in an interesting or exciting scene. Not so.

Also, all but two of the deaths in the movie are done off-screen. I don't think these guys have ever even seen a horror movie before.

The worst aspect of the movie, however, is that the central conceit is woefully underused and essentially ignored. The filmmakers had a great opportunity to make a fun and bloody horror-comedy with a fast food chain mascot slashing his way through swaths of dumb teenagers. Instead, they made painfully boring, relatively bloodless film that, at the very least includes swaths of dumb teenagers.

Drive Thru is one of those terrible straight-to-DVD films that you're always afraid of seeing when you sit down to watch a bad movie. It's not ironically enjoyable. Nothing is laughably bad. There's nothing remotely memorable. I watched it less than 24 hours ago and I can hardly remember a single thing about the movie other than just how worthless it is.

As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Or, you can email us at with your suggestions for future reviews!

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